Easter Display Ideas For Point Of Sale Items

Looking for Easter Display POS Ideas?

With our in-house design team, we strive to make every Easter Display Stand unique. There’s nothing quite like a product display or Easter POS item at the end of an isle in a retail store, or hanging POS Display, etc, for catching the attention of passing shoppers and generating impulse buying.

Printed cardboard POS displays and FSDUs are ideally suited for seasonal promotions such as Easter, as they have a very fast turnaround, and are relatively low cost.

See some Easter display ideas from completed bespoke projects here on this page including a giant easter egg box at a large London department store.

Easter Display Ideas

With our quick turnaround times, and in-house UK production at our Chesterfield factory, it’s not too late to design, prototype, manufacture, and deliver your stands in good time for Easter POS this year.

Easter Point Of Sale Display

Get in touch today with your ideas and we’ll find a solution for you! 01246 561 500 enquiries@envoprint.co.uk

For examples of other display stands, see our main FSDU page or our main POS displays page.

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