The words used to describe various types of Cardboard Display Units can be confusing to say the least.
For example, did you know that there’s a big difference between a point of sale display and a point of sales display?
And did you know that a point of sales display is the same thing as a point of purchase display, but a point of sale display (no ‘s’ on the end of ‘sale’), is different?
And where do Free Standing Display Units (FSDUs) fit into the mix?
Read on to find out…
What is the difference between a Free Standing Display Unit (FSDU) and a Point of Sales (Point of Purchase) Display?
The defining features of an FSDU (which stands for Free Standing Display Unit or Floor Standing Display Unit) are:
- FSDUs can be located anywhere within a retail store, exhibition display, or public venue. This is in contrast to Point of Sales Display Stands (or Point of Purchase Displays), which is the correct term used if the FSDU display is located right next to the checkout areas of a retail environment, to encourage impulse additional spend, right at the ‘point of purchase’ or ‘point of sales’
- FSDUs are free standing (floor standing), whereas Point Of Sales/Point of Purchase Displays can be counter top displays, although a Point of Sales Display Stand is generally free standing.
- FSDU is also the correct term to use if the display doesn’t sell anything, but instead displays free products or leaflets.
As mentioned above, the defining feature of a Point of Purchase Display Stand (also known as POP Display) is it’s location – it has to be near the checkout/purchase area of the store, or else it is simply an FSDU.
What is the difference between a Point of Sales Display and a Point of Sale display?
Point of Sale Display is a very general term that can be used for any printed promotional display material in a retail store, like the example of the giant egg box image shown below. It’s purpose is to increase sales, but it doesn’t necessarily have to hold product, or be located near the checkout areas.
For example, shelf-wobblers or counter top tent cards would be regarded as point of sale material.
Other popular examples of point of sale materials not holding physical product would be Printed Cardboard Cubes and Standees.
In contrast, a Point of Sales Display unit, also known as a Point of Purchase Display unit or POP Display, generally holds the physical product for sale, and is located at the point where the purchase (or sale, depending which way you look at it) takes place.
Just to confuse things, POS Display can stand for Point of Sales Display OR Point of Sale Display…
The term ‘Dump Bins’ (including Retail Dump Bins, Magazine Dump Bins, Brochure Dump Bins, and Catalogue Dump Bins) covers quite a wide range of cardboard displays. See our cardboard dump bins page for further information and images of the various dump bin options for sale.
But don’t worry too much…
The helpful team at Envoprint are quite used to digging deep behind the terminology used to find out exactly what kind of cardboard display or stand is going to work best for you.
We’re quite used to being asked for an FSDU Units for example, which is exactly the same as an FSDU without adding Units on the end, as FSDU stands for Free Standing Display Unit.
And if you ask for a ‘cardboard display thingy’, that’s fine, we’ll just ask a few intelligent questions to find out what you require!
Get in touch with our expert advisors today, to find out what kind of cardboard display unit is going to promote your product or service the best.