Stable Slim Space Saving Display Stand

Ultra-Stable Slim Space-saving FSDU – battle of the Stands video :-)

Ultra-Stable Slim Space-saving FSDU - battle of the Stands video :-) 1


With the ever-increasing drive for space-saving FSDUs, don’t forget the importance of stability!

Having a tiny footprint for your cardboard display stand makes it more attractive to retailers.

The smaller the footprint of the FSDU, the easier it can be slotted into even a highly crowded retail space.

However, please be aware that when fully loaded (and most people like to load the bulk of the product near the top of the stand), a narrow FSDU display unit can be very unstable, and the smallest knock from passing customers can have disastrous results! 🙂

We can provide brackets and other means to attach your display stands to nearby fixtures, however, having stability built into the base of the stand like the example on this FSDU display stand video, is often a better route to take.

Visit our main FSDU page for further info, or enquire directly now on 01246 561 500 or and we’ll be glad to assist you creating your own space-saving free standing display units.

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