Printed Totem Displays, Standees and Cardboard Retail Displays
Cardboard retail display units designed totally bespoke for you, and manufactured in-house in the UK for fast turnaround and high quality.
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Printed Cardboard Standees
Printed Cardboard Standees are single free-standing sheets of cardboard, normally with a supporting strut at the back, to promote a nearby product.
Standees are usually shaped and printed to represent people but don’t have to be – the main thing is that they stand out and catch the attention of passing shoppers.
Envoprint provides inventively shaped and unique standees as required, all made in the UK allowing fast production.
Cardboard Exhibition Display Stands for Trade Shows
We recently created an amazing cardboard exhibition display including a huge Big Ben and London Eye.
Please see our blog on the link above for further pictures of these cardboard trade show displays.
Cardboard Totem Displays

Bespoke Cardboard Totem displays are a great way to get maximum brand exposure without taking up prohibitive amounts of floor space, as are cardboard cubes.
4 sided printed totem displays are the most common, but the inventive design team at Envoprint can make you 3 sided totems, 6 sided, or whatever custom shape or design you need.
Bespoke Cardboard Retail Displays
Like the bespoke made giant easter egg box displays pictured above, or the various custom retail displays at the top of this page, our inventive design team can create retail POS display material for any application you may have. Get in touch today for design retail display design ideas or for prices on a concept you already have.
All manufactured in-house in our state-of-the-art UK facility for fast turnarounds and maximum quality control.
If you are looking to display your products, see our FSDU or CDU pages.